Feedback Analytics

    The Feedback Analytics feature in the Chat360 platform provides comprehensive insights into user feedback, enabling businesses to monitor and improve the performance and satisfaction levels of their bots and agents. This feature offers detailed metrics on ratings, response rates, and satisfaction scores, helping organisations to gauge customer sentiments and enhance their service quality.

  • Key Features
    • Total Rating
    • Displays the cumulative rating received from users over the selected period. Provides a quick overview of overall user satisfaction.

    • Response Rate
    • Indicates the percentage of feedback responses received from users.Measures the engagement and responsiveness of users in providing feedback.

    • CSAT Score
    • Customer Satisfaction Score, reflecting the overall satisfaction level of users. Helps in understanding the general satisfaction of users with the service provided.

    • NPS Score
    • Net Promoter Score, indicating the likelihood of users recommending the service to others.Gauges user loyalty and the potential for word-of-mouth promotion.

  • Feedback Section
    • Feedback List
    • A detailed list of feedback entries with information on chat rooms, user details, ratings, feedback comments, and timestamps.

      • Chat Room Name: Name of the chat room where the feedback was provided
      • User Name: Name of the user who provided the feedback.
      • User Number: Contact number of the user.
      • Rating: Numeric rating given by the user.
      • Feedback: Comments or feedback provided by the user.
      • Chat Closes By: Identifier of who closed the chat (if applicable).
      • Last Feedback: Indicates if there was any previous feedback.
      • Agent Name Name of the agent involved in the chat (if applicable).
      • Feedback Time: Timestamp when the feedback was provided.
    • Navigation
    • Allows users to filter feedback data based on a specific time period.

      • Filters: Users can filter feedback by bot or other criteria to analyse specific segments.
      • Export Data: Button to export the feedback data for further analysis.
    • Usage
      • Access: Navigate to the "Analytics" section and select "Feedback Analytics" from the top menu.
      • Customization: Users can filter data by time period, bot, and other criteria, and download reports for offline analysis.
      • Monitoring: Regularly check feedback insights and performance metrics to optimise bot interactions and improve user satisfaction.